O.D. Alfa-Teh
Since its founding in 2000, O.D. ALFA–TEH has been involved in the design and construction of tools, devices and various products for the needs of companies in the automotive and agricultural machinery industries. Our principled business idea is to fulfill all the wishes of the customer and create a partnership to the mutual satisfaction.
Kolodvorska ulica 18
32272 Cerna, Republic of Croatia
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From construction solution to constant support.

Adapting to the needs of clients and developing long-term partnerships to mutual satisfaction.

Construction support in developing of tools and devices

New standards in software solutions in the form of CATIA V5-V6, brings significant improvements in system architecture and user work environment, relating to the automotive industry (BMW, VW) and agricultural industry (SDF). Thanks to the application of the integrated CATIA V5-V6 package, construction support for the development of tools and devices in the automotive and agricultural industries, allows us to provide all our customers with comprehensive and complex services of the highest level of quality.

Engineering support and development of new products

Engineering and developing new products often requires a high level of customization. Respecting the unique and specific requirements of our business partners, we provide support in the design and development of original production solutions. Support includes offers of a unique design solution, optimized in accordance with the purpose and function of the new product. Adapting support services facilitates the implementation of new conceptual solutions, with our constant availability and consulting.

Documentation that accompanies your business project made using the latest methods.

Concretizing your ideas into the finished product.

Reverse engineering

By analyzing drafts, technological principles of operation of products or systems, as well as their constructions and functions they perform, we provide best engineering solution, which would lead to creating a new product or improving the existing system. By applying the best solutions, we enable the creation of new or replacement of inaccurate or incomplete documentation, thus providing modifications and improvements to existing technological principles and systems in the form of the most functional engineering model.

Machining, welding and assembly

In order to obtain a product of the desired quality in the shortest possible time, we combine several phases of work – from machining, through welding of parts to the assembly of the finished product. By following the client’s ideas and submitted design, applying our knowledge from various industries, innovative software solutions and standardized procedures in the technological way of obtaining the finished product, we offer the desired result in the form of a high quality functional product.


Examples of projects in accordance with the services we provide.


Expertise and professional approach in providing all types of services.

Many years of experience and the use of new technologies as a combination that guarantees quality in every segment of our business.

Many years of experience

Our many years of experience is a guarantee of the quality we offer, as well as reliability in providing all types of services.

Constant education and improvement

By investing in knowledge and constant improvement, we are able to respond to all changes in market demands and thus maintain a competitive position.

Applying latest CAD design technologies

Adopting new skills in the field of CAD design allows us creation and development of products, as well as reverse engineering.

Creating solutions through product development and improvement

Expertise, knowledge, experience, innovation and professionalism are the basis for creating the best service for each of our clients individually.

Development of projects from different industrial areas

Developing projects from several industries and the innovation that distinguishes us, are the base for all professional solutions of our team of engineers.

Creating partnership-like relations with all clients

We consider our clients as equal partners, whose ideas we adopt and improve and thus create long-term business relationships.

Services | ALFA – TEH